The effectiveness of a proposed program based on smart applications to develop deep understanding of the nanotechnology and future thinking skills of tenth grade students in Palestine
Hala Hamid Abu Amra 1 *
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1 Al-Aqsa University, PALESTINE* Corresponding Author


Background: Nanotechnology and its biological applications is considered a scientific wealth and a vivid example of a great development at a very precise level, which proved how successful it was in entering into the smallest details of living organisms at a very small level with all boldness and speed to impress us with what it can do with minimal time and effort and rebel against the familiar reality, adding everything that is new, renewed, great and amazing results in various fields of life, it has risen in the life of society and organized its priorities with extreme accuracy. Being the result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the history of mankind, it has become one of its most important technologies and has dominated it with all its might and provided innovative solutions to the problems of the upcoming era, as it is nanotechnology that works on the design and production of vehicles and systems by controlling shape and size to show the nature of integration between science and society and technological innovations in solving the water crisis, energy resources, health, poverty, unemployment, providing jobs, reducing the cost of some products, developing energy resources, discovering new methods of medical treatment and water purification, so this study aimed to find out the effectiveness of a proposed program based on smart applications to develop a deep understanding of nanotechnology applications and future thinking skills About of tenth grade students in Palestine.
Materials and Methods: The study adopted a semi-experimental design based on the design of the two groups. Students used a smart application consisting of information to develop a deep understanding of nanotechnology and identifismart application study from the tenth grade students in the Gaza Strip, and all participants were over the age of 15.
 Results: The study showed that there is a statistically significant difference at the level of 50.0 between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group in the remote application of the deep understanding test with nanotechnology applications, and it turns out that these differences were in favor of the experimental group, where the arithmetic average of the experimental group scores in the remote application of the deep understanding test with nanotechnology applications was 26.458 while the arithmetic average of the control group Students was 14.958, and the difference between them was 11.50 degrees. The presence of a significant statistical difference at the level of 50.0 between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group in the remote application of the future thinking skills scale, and it turns out that these differences were in favor of the experimental group, as the arithmetic average of the experimental group's scores in the remote application of measuring future thinking skills was 110.125, while the arithmetic average of the control group's students was 82.50, with a difference of 27.625 degrees, and the percentage of the average total score of the test is 1.393, all of which is more than the limit set by Black, which is 1.2, meaning that the proposed program based on smart applications is effective in developing deep understanding The percentage of the adjusted gain for the total score of the scale was 1.313, all of which exceeds the previously stated limit of 1.2 set by Black.
Conclusion: This means that the proposed program based on smart applications is effective in developing future thinking skills and these results show that students are willing to develop their knowledge and knowledge of what's new.


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Article Type: Research Article

Agricultural and Environmental Education, Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2023, Article No: em004

Publication date: 01 Jul 2023

Online publication date: 23 Jun 2023

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